Innovation Spaces
Individuals and teams do their best work in spaces that are intentionally built. We build spaces for your company to use for innovation tema
There are a number of different tools and techniques that we have developed to help you unlock innovation within your organisation.
Lividia Ingenious: Hack innovation training. We run hackathon events to teach intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship skills for organisations and communities. Our Ingenious offering is designed to first teach your staff innovation skills and to then apply these to your existing problems and opportunities.
Lividia Reveal: We are all living in a world that is rapidly changing. This change is driven by disruptive digital technologies and several technologies know as "exponential change agents. Lividia Reveal allows organisations to better plan for change and to critically consider their current resource allocations.
Lividia Goal Driven Development (GDD): We believe that many projects fail for a few basic reasons. Among these are a lack of deep analyst and developer involvement, poor correlations between the activities undertaken and the outcomes to be achieved and a general lack of understanding of the "why". Our Goal Driven Development methodology can be applied to almost any project with the aim of dramatically improving the alignment of a project/initiative with the outcomes that are required from it.
Lividia Innovation Spaces: The incubation of new ideas and the acceleration of key initiatives can be dramatically improved through the use of innovative and inspirational environments. Additionally the augmentation of these spaces with tools and processes that drive innovation outcomes can create tremendous advantages for your company.
Lividia Tools Package: We have developed a tooling environment for the development of our own and our customers projects. This toolset is based on some of the most modern and effective tooling for the design of amazing user experiences and for extremely effective team communications and workflow management. We have then extended and integrated this toolset into a development workflow (GDD). You can also use this toolset to aid in your product and service development.
Lividia CROWD: Our crowd sourcing solution allows organisations to source ideas from across their entire customer, employee and supplier eco-system. Traditionally business analysis processes are severely limited by the bandwidth of an analyst and the breath and dept of a problem space they can realistically cover. CROWD opens up the analysis and exploration process to the entire population that is impacted by the problem at hand.
Lividia Scholics: Increasing competitive pressures and the cost pressures have reduced the ability of organisations to provide sufficient education to their employees, customers and suppliers. Scholics allows for the rapid creation of educational content that can be very tightly targeted.
Lividia can deploy these and a wide range of other products and services to improve the performance of your innovation processes.