The results of research and analysis need to be formulated in such a way that products and services can be built. There are a variety of tools available to assist with communicating an organisations ideas.
We convey product concepts in a variety of formats including:
Business models and values models: Using popular tools and extensions that we have made to these tools
Mood boards: To convey the intent, feeling and identity of product solutions. Mood boards also assist in the identification of customer personas and the alignment of materials and solutions to these customer personas.
Themes and specifics: Listing key themes that should run through the product or service, and the specifics for those prodcuts and services where known. These themas and specifics can then be used to formulate end user requirements.
User stories: Written account of the products requirements using an industry standard notation.
Early stage wireframes: Which users have identified or created to convey the use of the platform
Content and white papers: Created as outputs of our research and analysis process. These have a variety of uses across the business, such as building organisational knowledge and improving strategic planning activities.
Videos and audio: Interviews, screen transitions and concepts captured and communicated in an alternative format where it is appropriate.
Images and drawings: Created to show the structure or intent of the application.
Our propriety reveal roadmaps: We produce artefacts that open up thinking within your organisation on the "art of the possible". We strongly recommend our Reveal and Ingenuous offerings as essential components of any major transformation activity.
and others
Having a rich set of requirements articulated to designers drives a better result then a simple written list of requirements.